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Author: Will Clark

April 2020 Energy Review

April 2020 Energy Review

April 2020 will arguably go down in history as the most unforgettable month commodity markets have witnessed to date. On 4/20, when May WTI crude oil futures settled at negative $37.60 per barrel, every commodity trader in the world’s perception of the word risk as they previously knew it was thrown out the window. Energy markets were quite literally flipped on their head as price implied sellers were ready to pay someone else $37.60 to take delivery of a product…

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Energy Markets Post their Worst Quarter in History

Energy Markets Post their Worst Quarter in History

An unbelievable number of events have taken place in energy markets over the last few weeks. It has been truly remarkable. The combination of demand loss stemming from COVID-19 economic shut downs, along with the OPEC price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia have created an unprecedented perfect storm that have reamed profound implications in each corner of the industry. Either of these two 3+ sigma events on their own would create devastating impacts to the industry, however, combining them…

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